Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Momma's Boy

Debbie Phelps is AWESOME!!!! I say this because Ive seen what the parents of talented athletes can be like. What Olympic athlete is more gifted and / or a bigger star than Michael Phelps?

For as cool as the champion is before, during and after his races; it's great to see how nervous, excited and ultimately overjoyed his mother is for every race. Mom watches every race like it was his first age group meet. While the outcome of his races is all but decided before Michael even hits the water, his Mom watches as if each was his first...that the record setting 10 other Olympic Golds were nonexistent.

Mrs Phelps, you have done an amazing job!!! You're the only thing that could get the camera crew to take the cameras off the pool as your son sets yet another world record and earns another gold medal. Congratulations to you and your son on all of your collective achievements!!

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